Stripe Billing and invoices on WeStrive

WeStrive Billing - by Stripe - is now available in 30+ countries! Manage the invoices you send your clients, either one-time or on a monthly recurring basis, through WeStrive Billing.

Billing and invoices

Handle all payments and invoicing

Through WeStrive, you can handle all the payments and invoicing for your personal training business. Your life will become 10X easier once you've setup Stripe Billing on WeStrive. Be sure to check what countries WeStrive Payments + Stripe is available in.

Monthly sales and cash balances

Monthly sales and cash balances

From your dashboard, you can easily see how much you've earned this month through WeStrive Billing - powered by Stripe - and you can also easily withdraw your balance to your bank account.

Track sales in graphs

From the Sales tab, you'll get an in-depth snapshot of your monthly invoices from both a recurring and one-time payment breakdown. Recurring invoices can be setup & automated to go out each month.

This page will also breakdown any fees that Stripe takes - 3.5% - and the 40 cent processing fee for each transaction. WeStrive doesn't charge a monthly fee to handle payments through us so once you sign-up for WeStrive, you can go ahead and start handling payments!

WeStrive Sales

Track sales in graphs

Easily assign invoices

WeStrive assign invoice

Easily assign invoices

Through WeStrive, you can assign invoices to multiple clients at once, adjust the time frame of the invoices, and of course - offer recurring payments. Payments can even be taken by teams if you're working together with other coaches.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set up Stripe Billing?

You can sign-up for Stripe easily from the WeStrive Home Page. You can follow the instructions on this page if you need assistance.

What fees does Stripe take?

Stripe charges 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction for invoices on WeStrive.

Does it cost monthly to use Stripe Billing?

WeStrive doesn’t charge you anything monthly to use WeStrive + Stripe billing. You could even have a 1-client free account and not be charged. From each transaction, we have a .06% fee which comes out to about 60 cents per $100.

Stripe Billing and invoices on WeStrive Stripe Billing and invoices on WeStrive