Client Automated Habits & Reminders
Client Automated Habits & Reminders
WeStrive makes assigning habits & surveys a breeze. You can now ask your client to complete any type of habit and actually track their weekly habit results. Beyond that, you can build custom surveys with multiple choice, 1-10 answers, and more.
More than Habit Tracking
Instead of only having your clients fill out daily habits, why not have the option for so much more? From your Client's Calendar - you can schedule weigh-ins, progress photos, fitness tests, schedule messages, and so much more. Feel free and put them on a daily, weekly, or monthly recurring schedule.
More than Habit Tracking
Client Daily Dashboard
Client Daily Dashboard
Every client will have their own calendar & dashboard. From the dashboard, you can track their task/habit compliance, fitness compliance, daily stats, and more.
Extra Resources for your clients
You can now use the client's Resource tab to create your own categories of recipes, warm-up routines, stretching, and general "how to" videos for your clients. You're able to create your own categories so use this section however you would like.